
“Kazuko served as a fulltime yoga instructor at our holistic health center, 'Ohana Health,LLC up until the day of the Camp Fire which destroyed our hamlet of Paradise, CA. I was so grateful to have Kaz. She was helping to create the kind of yoga studio we always envisioned for 'Ohana Yoga during the 5 years we operated. She was committed and happy to help.  She was our lead instructor and led by example.

Kaz's humble spirit, professionalism, and heartfelt attention to her students and 'Ohana Yoga was felt by everyone.  I enjoyed taking her classes.  She brought all of herself to every class and every student, including her sense of humor and essential oil foot rubs at the end of the class...honoring everyone's path in a deep and real way.

She is a gift to whomever she meets.”

- Anne Weaver (Owner of 'Ohana Health)

“Kaz was my yoga instructor in Paradise before the Camp Fire took our yoga studio (and most of our town). Her skill as both example and teacher were evident, as well as her gentle nature and quiet strength... I also always appreciated her inspiring meditation readings (and the foot rubs!)” 

- Ginny Brown (Student from Paradise, CA)

“Kaz has a very kind and respectful teaching manner. Our clients enjoy her Chair Yoga class and look forward to her coming every week.”

- Anne Lee Johnson (RN Nurse Coordinator at Yolo Adult Day Health Center)

“Kaz has customized classes for my fitness level and unique needs. My quality of life has improved greatly thanks to her. She is patient, kind and wise! I am so thankful for all the knowledge and experience she has shared with me. I can’t wait for our next class!”

- Lina Castro (Student from Sacramento, California)



- 長井 聡子さん(カリフォルニア デイビス在住) 


- 佐藤 典子さん(カリフォルニア在住)


- 藻谷 ようこさん(カリフォルニア デイビス在住)


- 村田 ちかさん(カリフォニア デイビス在住)